I'm an IFA struggling to get clients to commit to taking out cover. How do I secure successful protection sales?
I am an IFA looking to enter the LTC market. Could you please explain what the new care bill means and where I can help clients?
According to a recent poll from EDM Group, one-third of people claim to have switched insurers in the past two years because of poor service. In your view, how can insurers improve customer service?
Personal finance education will be part of the national curriculum in secondary schools from September 2014. Should protection insurance be part of the discussion, and do you think this would help spread awareness by talking to younger people?
I am a group risk consultant. GRID has published industry claim statistics that show the types and amounts of claim, as well as showing group risk claim payout rates for the first time. Can I use these with my corporate clients? If so, how, and what kind...
I am a protection and mortgage IFA with a few clients looking at Help to Buy. How can I arrange protection insurance for them such as life cover? I understand there have been difficulties in putting cover in place - is this the case, and what do I need...
Mike Wagg, head of intermediary sales at Simplyhealth notes the huge growth in Cash Plan sales during the recession and asks if growth could be even higher in the good years to come.
I am a protection adviser. I know there hasn't been any formal guidance on inducements for protection advisers, but we've seen providers and networks changing their stance and withdrawing inducements. Are there any steps or considerations I should bear...
Engage Mutual's David Castling outlines opportunities for a meeting of minds in the cash plan arena.
Zurich recently wrote to the Chancellor asking for the introduction of tax rebates on income protection. If implemented, would rebates boost income protection take-up?