'When physical health suffers, mental health can suffer too'
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John, 45, is an office manager looking for protection. He has a £200 000 mortgage and two children that he has custody of following his divorce two years ago. He doesn't exercise and although he had an alcohol problem four years ago, he does not drink....
Quigley's Fine Wine and Champagne Merchants is looking to take out some business protection in the event that one of the four directors dies. All four - Ryan, Steve, Dave and Jack - are in their mid-forties and in generally good health, although Steve...
Jack and Jill are professional actors in their mid-fifties, based in London, with a variable rate mortgage of £800 a month. They work pretty regularly and do tutoring or administrative work when acting work is poor. They would like an income protection...
Gordon, 58, wishes to take out a private medical insurance (PMI) policy. He is in generally good health but works in an extremely stressful position as a highly paid civil servant. However, due to the recession, he will probably find himself retiring...
Following his brother's diagnosis and recovery from throat cancer last year, Bob wants to take out s...
Ruth, 26, is a magazine designer living in London. Although in good health, she suffered from ME for...
Beverly, 42, earns £44,000 working as an architect for a large building company. She has nerve damag...